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Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park - Real Haunts in Mandan ND

  • 4480 Ft. Lincoln Road
  • Mandan, ND
Established in 1907, Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park is the oldest state park in North Dakota. On top of it being a hot spot for tourists of all ages, this state park is known to be home to some spirits as well.

The Custer House is rumored to be the place where most of the paranormal activity takes place. The house was once home of the same general who was slain at Little Big Horn. The general's wife is reported to haunt the home and has been spotted wearing a black dress. She is known to slam doors and show up to give people chills. Some also believe that Custer himself roams the property, too. Others say there are ghosts in blue and that they're soldiers who died while on duty.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 39
Last edit to this listing: 6/24/2024 (76 days ago)

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