• North Dakota Edition •



San Haven Sanatorium - Dunseith ND Real Haunted Place

The San Haven Sanatorium is located in the foothills of the Turtle Mountains, just a few minutes north of Dunseith. The building now sits abandoned and once treated patients with tuberculosis. The sanatorium dates back to 1909 and closed its doors in 1987. Many of the patients that were treated at the hospital unfortunately succumbed to the illness, as this was before any antibiotics were created to help control it. At the time, a common remedy was to surgically collapse a lung. It's safe to say that whatever took place at the sanatorium while it was in operation was not a pretty site. The deaths and inhumane remedies certainly could contribute to the haunting stories that linger around the building.

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4
Last edit to this listing: 8/27/2024 (20 days ago)

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